The Chai Club is a group of caring and involved people
who want to give NW Portland the gift of joyful Judaism.
By becoming a member, you will have the satisfaction
of knowing that your monthly contribution is making a real
difference in the lives of those around you.
Monthly gifts enable us to keep going, expand our programs
and innovate with the ongoing support of the Chai Club community.
People like you, giving what they can, shows how great this
community can be when you give from the heart.
Please join the Chai Club today!
Current Partners
Founders & Pillars
Zar Family
Nate and Taylor Sugiyama
Platinum Partners
Spalter Family
Dr. Neal Gittleman
Gold Partners
Katz Family
Silver Partners
Anonymous Donor
Smith Family
Bronze Partners
Wilschanski Family
Joshua Mayer
Anonymous Donor
Ehrenberg Family
Tova Marin
Trevor Bryant